Maintenance of Granite and Marble Floors

Granite is popular construction material for homeowners looking for an elegant solution to their bathroom and kitchen countertops. However, granite or floor sanding and polishing in Gold Coast are often overlooked as a flooring option. Granite tiles can be used on floors, even if you choose laminate or engineered stone for your countertops. Granite floors are often used by residential developers only for countertops. However, they will install granite floors in more lucrative and high-end projects.

How long do you think this shininess will last?

To help you keep that shine, we will cover the basics of granite maintenance and marble flooring care.

Benefits of granite and marble floors

Low Maintenance

As with all hard floors, you can maintain its shine/sheen by simply mopping and dry spoilage removal.

Easy cleaning

Organic spillages can be easily cleaned up without causing further damage to granite or marble.


Granite and marble will shine with a high degree of shine/sheen if they are well polished. This can be a sign of elegance and quality.


Granite and marble are metamorphic rocks that naturally occur in the earth’s crust. They are not produced but extracted. This reduces the environmental carbon and chemical output. They can also be reused and recycled easily after they have been used.

Highly durable

Granite and marble can withstand strong forces. Granite and marble are suitable for areas with high traffic, as it is unlikely that heavy machinery or other objects will be used.

How to maintain marble and granite floors?

Granite and marble floors maintenance are easy. You can contact a flooring installation company for the maintainance of the floor. These are the steps:

Dry vacuuming

Vacuuming alone will suffice to collect soil, dust, and other loose particles. Solid materials cannot be absorbed into the flooring.

Wet mopping

Wet mopping, which uses liquid-based cleaning chemicals such as wet mopping, will remove any light stains and other spoilage from the floor. The floor will also be scented with wet mopping chemicals.

Is deep cleaning necessary?

It is essential to deep clean marble and granite floors. This will remove heavy dirt, scuff marks, and other stains. It is also known as buffing, which helps bring out the floors’ shine and sheen.

Buffing and burnishing

Buffing is the polishing of floors and residual cleaning, while burnishing is the high-speed polishing of floors to achieve the highest shine. To achieve a wet-look shine, burnishing is usually done after buffing.

It is a laborious process and can vary in frequency depending on trafficking soiling rates.

Marble crystallisation

This method was first used in the 1960s but has since been abandoned. This involves spraying the acid solution on the marble and then buffing it with steel wool. This creates a stronger marble layer and a gloss sheet. Mechanically removing the calcium layer is the only way to get rid of it. The marble’s acidic content will eventually cause it to lose strength and eventually, eventually, will deteriorate in quality.


Marble and granite floors make beautiful additions to any facility. To ensure that they live as long as possible, and to keep them looking fresh, there are some precautions you should take. However, using the wrong chemicals and methods can lead to disastrous results. When choosing a Family owned flooring company, you need to consider its marketing position in the market.

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